Wednesday, May 16, 2012

when all things fail

Whats in my sketch book for the first half of the year! Its filled with scribbling, rough outlines, messy drawings, AND MANY OUT-OF-PROPORTION SKETCHES :( its a bunch of messy and untidy pencil, pen and charcoal lines, shades and what not. But since its the first term, i'll cut some slack and start improving now :) 

I would love to conclude that today is the last day of term 2 and holidays are starting but I can't say so :( My holidays are packed with dance practices and musical rehearsals :( and its june, my very special month^^ but i'll be so preoccupied with all the school events. Adding on to that, i still have that pathetic excuse of studying for exams and therefore, i'm unable to enjoy myself and i'm coerced to withdraw from the true value of holidays.

Lately, i've been feeling demoralized. Just one of those days when you wanna snug up to bed under your covers reading your favourite book and having a sip of caramel macchiato just to emancipate yourself from the shit happening in this world. BUT NO you wake up every morning and come to realize that nothing has changed but everything is constantly changing. how ironic. 

waking up at 7 tomorrow when everyone else wakes up when their minds tell them to :( sighhhhhh

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